Special Offer Details
Take our best deal! However, special offers cannot be combined with other offers. This includes, but is not limited to free setup, free shipping, free 24-hour rush, free gift with purchase, dollar off coupons and certificates, items marked as "special," items found in our closeout or discount sections, and other email and internet offers. Unless stated otherwise, offers are valid on orders with merchandise subtotals of at least $500 per item. This excludes set-up, shipping, and sales tax. Free reorder setup offers apply to first imprint color/location and orders placed within one year of original order and do not apply to plastic and paper bags. Free shipping offers apply to UPS ground shipping to locations within the contiguous United States. All special offers are valid on web pricing only and do not apply to specially quoted items. Other restrictions may apply. We want you to have our best deal. If you are not sure which is our best deal, just ask!